Knowledge base
Our knowledge base includes links to key documents for sustainable drainage systems as well as all references used for the development of our tools.
If you are just getting started, read our free guide on breach predictions.
A free guide to breach prediction methods available to users, ranging from simple parametric equations to complex multi-dimensional erosion models.
A free guide to breach prediction methods available to users, ranging from simple parametric equations to complex multi-dimensional erosion models.
All references
Related reference documents are listed below:
- Evaluation of Numerical Models for Simulating Embankment Dam Erosion and Breach Processes
Dam Safety Interest Group (2017), Working Group on Embankment Dam Erosion and Breach Modelling, CEATI International Dam Safety Interest Group, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO.
- A Benchmark study on dam breach and consequence estimation using EMBREA and Life Safety Model
Davison, M, Hassan, M, Gimeno, O and Van Damme, M. (2013). ICOLD 12th International Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams.
- Simplified breach analysis model for homogeneous embankments: Part II, Parameter inputs and variable scale model comparisons
Hanson, G. J., Temple, D. M., Morris, M. W. & Hassan, M. A. A. M. (2005). In: 25th United States Society on Dams (USSD) Annual Conference, 6-10 June, 2005c. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Research activities on the erosion mechanics of overtopped embankment dams.
Hanson, G. J., Morris, M. W., Vaskinn, K. A., Temple, D. M., Hunt, S. L. & Hassan, M. A. A. M. (2005). ASDSO Journal of Dam Safety, VoI.3(No.l), pp4-16.
- Simplified Breach Analysis Model. Part II: Parameter Inputs and Variable Scale Model Comparisons.
Hanson, G.J. Temple, D.M. Morris, M.W. Hassan, M.A.A.M. Cook, K.R. (2005) Proc. 25th Annual U.S. Society on Dams Conference, Denver, 163-174.
- Breach formation: Laboratory and numerical modelling of breach formation.
Hassan, M. A. A. M., Morris, M. W., Hanson, G. J. & Lakhal, K. (2004). In: Association of State Dam Safety Officials Dam Safety Conference, 2004, September, 2004. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- Improving the accuracy of prediction of breach formation through embankment dams and flood embankments.
Mohamed, M. A. A. Samuels, P. G., Morris, M. W. & Ghataora, G. S. (2002). In: International conference on fluvial hydraulics (Riverflow 2002), 3-6th September, 2002. Louvainla- Neuve, Belgium.
- Embankment breach formation and modelling methods.
Mohamed. M. A A. (2002). PhD., The Open University, England.
- Uncertainties in Dam Failure Modelling with the US NWS BREACH Model.
Mohamed. M. A A. Samuels, P. G. & Morris, M. W. (2001). In: First International Conference on River Basin Management, 2001. Cardiff, UK. WIT Press.
- A new methodology to model the breaching of non-cohesive homogeneous embankments.
Mohamed. M. A. A., Samuels, P. G., Morris, M. W. & Ghataora, G. S. (1999). In: CADAM – Concerted Action on Dambreak Modelling: 4th project workshop (Zaragoza), I8-19th November, 1999. Zaragoza. Spain.
- Evaluation and development of physically based embankment breach models.
Morris, M. W., Hassan, M. A A M., Wahl, T. L., Tejral, R. D., Hanson, G. J. & Temple, D. M. (2012). In: FLOODrisk 2012, 20-22nd November, 2012 - In Press. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Breaching of Earth Embankments and Dams.
Morris, M.W. (2011) PhD Thesis, The Open University, England.
- Breaching processes: A state of the art review.
Morris, M. W., Kortenhaus, A, Visser, P. 1. & Hassan, M. A A M. (2009). FLOODsite Report T06-06-03. UK: See
- Improving the accuracy of breach modelling: why are we not progressing faster?
Morris, M. W., Hanson, G. 1. & Hassan, M. A. A. M. (2008). Journal of Flood Risk Management, Vol. 1 (No.4), pp. 150-161.
- Breach formation: field tests and laboratory experiments.
Morris, M. W., Hassan, M. A. A. M. & Vaskinn, K. A. (2007). Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 45 (Extra (2007).
- Recent advances in predicting breach formation through embankment dams.
Morris, M. W., Hanson, G. J. & Vaskinn, K. A. (2006). In: 22nd International Congress on Large Dams (ICOLD), 18-23rd June, 2006. Barcelona, Spain.
- IMPACT: Breach formation technical report (WP2).
Morris, M. W. & Hassan, M. A. A. M. (2005). UK
- IMPACT: Combined risk and uncertainty technical report (WP5).
Morris, M. W. & Hassan, M. A. A. M. (2005). UK
- IMPACT Project: Final technical report.
Morris, M. W. (2005). UK
- Conclusions and recommendations from the IMPACT Project WP2: Breach formation.
Morris, M. W., Hassan, M. A. A. M. & Vaskinn, K. A. (2005). UK
Morris, M. W., Hassan, M. A. A. M., Zech, Y., Soares Frazao, S., Alcrudo, F. & Boukalova, Z. (2004). In: Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO): Annual Dam Safety Conference. 26-30th September, 2004. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- The IMPACT Project - Continuing European Research on Dambreak Processes and Failure of Flood Embankments.
Morris, M. W. (2002). In: British Dam Society 12th Biennial Conference, 2002: Reservoirs in a Changing World, 4-8th September, 2002. Dublin, Eire. Thomas Telford Ltd.
- The effect of material zones and layers on breach growth and prediction.
Morris, WM and Hassan, M. (in press). 3rd International Conference on Protection against Overtopping, 6-8 June 2018, UK.
- A SWOT analysis of hydrodynamic models with respect to simulating breaching.
Van Damme, M and Visser, P. (2015). E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR world congress.
- A New Approach to Rapid Assessment of Breach Driven Embankment Failures.
Van Damme, M. Morris, M.W. Hassan, M.A.A.M. (2012) FRMRC Research Report, WP4.4.
- Embankment Breach Modelling
Van Damrne, M. (2010). (PhD Transfer Report). UK: University of Oxford.