EMBREA-MUD is a model to simulate the failure of tailings dams.

Although the failure of a tailings dam can have disastrous consequences, up to this date it had not been possible to accurately simulate them. EMBREA-MUD is a model developed by HR Wallingford with the aim of filling the gap that arose during the development of DAMSAT when the team was analysing the potential impacts associated to the failure of tailings dams.

The model is a two component breach modelling tool that simultaneously takes into account outflows of both water and mud (i.e. tailings). The model can also represent erosion of dam material by both water and tailings, erosion of tailings by water as well as the dynamic forces between water and tailings layer.

Components of EMBREA-MUD model

The components of EMBREA-MUD model are 

  • water
  • mud/flowable tailings 
  • solid (dam or compacted tailings)

The graph on the right handside also shows processes between the various components 

  1.  lateral erosion by water or mud
  2. bed erosion by water or mud
  3. erosion of tailings by water
  4. mixing of fully saturated water layer into mud layer. Where a clear scouring channel evolves in the tailings storage facility as the main form of release, inflow of water and flowable tailings from the “floodplain” (i.e. the rest of the surface of the tailings storage facility) can also be modelled. 
Processes between the various components

Erosion process in EMBREA-MUD

The graph on the right shows erosion process in EMBREA-MUD.

EMBREA erosion processing graphic
Erosion process in EMBREA-MUD

Examples of simulations with EMBREA-MUD

Simulation of the Brumadinho tailings storage facility failure.

Animation of Brumadinho dambreach

Liquefaction of sediment deposits (orange) in water dam (water in blue, dam in grey)

animation showing mud movement in a reservoir

Can I use this tool?

EMBREA-MUD is currently neither part of EMBREA-Pro nor available for purchase or rent. However, we can offer modelling using EMBREA-MUD as part of a consultancy, please contact us for more information.