Expert assistance
We have the specialist knowledge to help solve the most complex dam and reservoir related challenges. With 70 years’ experience in hydraulic engineering, our internationally renowned experts use the latest developments from our cutting-edge research to deliver innovative, sustainable and cost effective solutions.
We can provide advice on:
- Dam breach modelling
- Coastal embankment breaching
- Research and development of breach science and numerical modelling tools
- Dam breach flood inundation modelling.
Our experts in dam breach assessment
Craig Goff
Principal Dam Engineer
Craig Goff is a highly experienced civil engineer specialising in dam safety. As both a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Manager, he leads the dams business within HR Wallingford and has been involved as a practitioner on many dam breach research and consultancy projects. Contact Craig for any research or consultancy queries.
Mohamed Ahmed Ali Mohamed Hassan
Senior Dam Breach Modeller
Dr Mohamed Hassan is the principal developer of both the HR Breach and the EMBREA models. The HR Breach model was developed as part of his PhD in 2002 and he continued to develop the HR Breach model and its successor EMBREA at HR Wallingford. Dr Hassan has over 20 years’ experience in flood and embankment engineering, undertaking a mixture of consultancy and applied research projects including embankment breach modelling, dam break analyses, LISFLOOD-FP, TUFLOW, ISIS/InfoWorks-RS modelling, flood mapping and fluvial and tidal flood risk assessment. He also has participated in a number of European research projects since 1998 (CADAM, IMPACT, FLOODsite, UrbanFlood and FloodProBE), along with collaborative programmes with the USA (USBR, USDA, USACE etc.) targeted at identifying and developing tools and methods to support flood risk analysis and reservoir safety, ensuring that the consultancy work undertaken worldwide uses the latest and innovative techniques and practices.
Mark Morris
Senior Consultant
Mark is a Senior Consultant specialising in flood risk analysis and management. Mark has particular expertise in relation to reservoir safety including risk and breach analysis supporting emergency planning. As a Principal Engineer at HR Wallingford (1988 – 2011) Mark has over 25 years’ experience in a variety of river and reservoir related projects world-wide. Mark was instrumental in the development of the HR BREACH predictive breach model, building from work under national and international research programmes. Mark has undertaken collaborative research at an international level for the past decade, supporting the development and testing of tools and methods supporting flood risk analysis, and in particular dambreak analysis / emergency planning. Mark has coordinated and participated in a series of European research projects since 1998 (CADAM, RESCDAM, IMPACT, FLOODsite, UrbanFlood, FloodProBE, ENSOCIO-LA, EULAC-Focus), along with collaborative programmes with the USA (USBR, USDA, USACE etc.) targeted at identifying and developing tools and methods to support flood risk analysis and reservoir safety, ensuring that the consultancy work undertaken worldwide uses the latest and innovative techniques and practices. Mark has a number of advisory duties and acts as an advisor to the Reservoir Safety Advisory Group (RSAG) of the joint Agency / Defra research programme in the UK.
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