picture of real time test of dambreach failure


AREBA was designed for use within system risk models and uses analytical expressions for the erosion rate, in combination with a pre‑defined breach shape to predict breach hydrographs and changes in breach dimensions.

When to use this tool?

AREBA has a run time of less than one second and is therefore ideal for use in scoping studies, or probabilistic studies where numerous model runs are required.


  • breach formation is modelled in case of homogeneous embankments;
  • differences in the degree of flow contraction between the different stages of the breach are accounted for;
  • the presence of a grass surface protection can be accounted for;
  • upstream boundary conditions are given by a box shaped, pyramid shaped, or prism shaped reservoir with a constant inflow, and /or outflow, for a specified duration of time;
  • drowning of the breach flow is accounted for.

How to use the tool

The AREBA tool is available to developers for incorporation in system risk models.  In addition, HR Wallingford can undertake specialist consultancy for you using this tool.  Please get in touch to discuss.


How to obtain AREBA code

If you would like to obtain a copy of the AREBA code, please contact us